
The decision to sign a new joint agreement and explore a potential strategic combination between St. 可以买滚球的正规平台和仁慈山带来了令人兴奋的可能性. 它也带来了许多问题. 我们在这里提供了最常见问题的答案. 

为什么是St ?. 可以买滚球的正规平台 and Mount Mercy University signing an agreement and exploring a strategic combination?

St. 可以买滚球的正规平台 and Mount Mercy share roots as two long-standing independent, 位于爱荷华州的私立非盈利天主教大学. St. 可以买滚球的正规平台成立于1882年,Mount Mercy大学成立于1928年. The two universities share consistent values, beliefs, and priorities about education. They each have substantial reputations for workforce related student success. 给n these shared values and successful outcomes with past collaborations, 每所大学的校长, Dr. 圣. 可以买滚球的正规平台和博士. 仁慈山的托德·奥尔森, are taking a proactive approach to the current higher education landscape to increase access and affordability to quality education for both traditional students and adult learners.


The new joint agreement allows students to take a range of courses from either university (in-person or online), 从2024年秋季开始. 这样的安排, 哪个是由每个大学的董事会批准的, will lead to more pathways for under研究生 and 研究生 students at both institutions 从2024年秋季开始. The two universities are also in the process of finalizing a second agreement that will facilitate the seamless transition of qualified students from under研究生 into 研究生 degree programs.


从2023年1月开始,圣. 可以买滚球的正规平台博士. 艾米·诺瓦克(Amy Novak)和梅西山大学(Mount Mercy University)校长. 托德·奥尔森, 开始讨论是否, 以及如何, the two universities might come together in mutually beneficial and enriching ways. 这些最初的会面导致了进一步的对话, which led to a more than year-long exploration of the viability of a strategic relationship.

Can you provide more details on the timeline leading up to the agreement being signed?

In January of 2023, the university presidents met to discuss the state of Catholic higher education. These discussions led to both universities pursuing a Nursing Articulation Agreement in June of 2023 that gives St. Ambrose students preferential admittance when applying to Mount Mercy’s MSN program.

在同一个月, a taskforce comprised of members of both university’s boards and key university administrators convened to outline a joint vision statement for a possible deepened collaboration.

2023年12月, the board of trustees of both universities signed a letter of intent (LOI) to begin a robust due diligence process and explore the potential of a deeper and more comprehensive venture, including the potential of reducing costs and increasing operational efficiencies by sharing administrative operations.

2024年1月, the presidents collaborated again (along with the presidents from Loras and Clarke) to pen a joint OpEd on how Catholic higher education is an asset for Iowans.

2024年4月, 经审查多数结果的尽职调查程序, 两家公司的董事会投票决定继续寻求可能的合并. 也是在2024年4月, the provosts of both universities signed a new agreement (sometimes called a consortial agreement or co-registration agreement) that allows students to take a range of courses at either university, 从2024年秋季开始.


The goal of the agreement is to expand access and affordability to quality education for traditional students and adult learners alike. Cost savings and more efficient operations may result in the future if the two universities move forward with a strategic combination.

What information can you share about the financial strength and stability of each institution?

St. 可以买滚球的正规平台 shares these key metrics regarding its strength and stability:

  • 捐款2.2亿美元,截至2023年6月30日. 这一数字在过去五年里增长了40%.
  • 在187所天主教大学中,捐赠额排名第36位.com).
  • The endowment is also largely unrestricted, with only 21% restricted by donor intent.
  • 强大的无限制资源, with unrestricted cash and investments exceeding 275% of annual expenses and 410% of long-term debt.
  • 长期债务水平低,债务占总资产的比例低于20%.
  • 教育部综合分数一直是3分.0,最高级别.
  • 持续的全部应计经营盈余.
  • 债券评级为A-,展望稳定.

Mount Mercy University shares these key metrics regarding its strength and stability:

  • 捐赠39美元.截至2023年6月30日,共有300万名员工. 这一数字在过去五年里增长了41%.
  • 总债务是12美元.截至2023年6月30日,共有900万名员工. This is less than 15% of total assets and less than 50% of the annual operating budget.
  • 债券评级B(福布斯).

St. 可以买滚球的正规平台共有2个,全职和兼职都可以, 研究生, 以及2023- 2024学年入学的本科生.

Mount Mercy大学共有1名学生,全职和兼职都可以, 研究生, 以及2023- 2024学年入学的本科生.

圣. Ambrose and Mount Mercy represent a new model for Catholic higher education?

This collaboration represents a proactive approach to capitalize on the current academic and financial strength of both St. 可以买滚球的正规平台和仁慈山为新的, 响应, 天主教高等教育可持续发展模式.

丹尼斯·霍尔特施奈德神父和霍尔特施奈德博士. 多娜米. 卡罗尔, 天主教学院和大学协会的联合主席, state that this is precisely the type of proactive activity they have been encouraging colleges to explore. “We know these are challenging times for our colleges and universities,” says Carrol. “我们完全支持圣. Ambrose and Mount Mercy are doing to lead the way in creating a 响应 and sustainable future for Catholic higher education.”

Additional statements of support for this innovative model from the Sisters of Mercy and Archbishop Zinkula can be found 在这里.


The intention of a combination would be to strategically align and bring together the two universities to provide an innovative new model for Catholic higher education.

A strategic combination will allow both institutions to share resources, 管理功能, and economies of scale to achieve cost savings and operational efficiencies, providing long-term sustainability for the universities and reduced costs for students and families.

即使组合发生了, 两所大学将保持独立的住宿校园, 独立的课外项目, 和St。. 可以买滚球的正规平台和慈悲山的名字将被保留.


这两所大学将继续独立运作, 他们的联合学术协议仍然有效.


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